Contributing to education in Nepal

Education is the springboard to a successful life


Our mission is to enable more children to finish their primary and secondary education while staying focused on our verticals.

Focus is key

We stubbornly focus on primary and secondary education. Our actions are split into two verticals:

  1. Helping children

  2. Improving schools

Helping children

Children are at the heart of our mission. Improving their future is our goal.

We help children attending school by providing necessary items, such as uniforms, pens, books and the like.

Improving schools

Schools are key to enabling children getting a good education. A well equipped and maintained school encourages children in going there.

We improve schools by building additional floors, painting room, provide equipments such as desks and chairs.


We are not alone. Our scope of work is well defined, but this does not mean that this is all there is. We aim to collaborate with other organisations on the ground to provide more comprehensive help.

We are happy to collaborate on matters adjascent to education, like hygiene, healthcare, housing.